How to reduce face fat?
When you want to slim the body, the face is usually the most visible part of the body where you want to lose weight as significantly and quickly as possible. It is quite feasible to lose weight in the cheeks and neck, for example, by dieting. So how can you reduce face fat effectively? 😊
How to attack face fat?
The face is an area of the body that contains little fat. Fat cells are concentrated in the cheeks, neck, and under the chin. When weight is lost, the cheeks tend to hollow out and lose volume, which immediately gives the person a lifted appearance. Similarly, the “double chin” effect also disappears. However, the removal of fat from the face is a rather delicate process, as it is complicated to target this particular area. In general, in the first weeks after a diet, people tend to lose fat from the cheeks and, in the case of women, from the breasts and thighs, i.e. the areas where there is the most accumulation of fat. The slimming of the face is usually visible quite quickly.
How to slim the cheeks?
There is no specific method for the face to lose weight in this area. When you go on a diet, you lose weight in general, all over your body. Therefore, you will also lose weight in the face, especially where the skin is thicker: cheeks, chin, and neck. An overweight person usually has chubby cheeks and a double chin effect caused by one or more rolls of fat. As you lose weight, this excess fat will gradually disappear. If you want to accentuate the phenomenon, it is advisable to follow a diet that will make you lose weight. The sport will be less useful in this part of the body because, although we have hundreds of muscles in the face, it is quite obvious that it is difficult to strengthen this area as we would do with our abdominal muscles, for example.
How can we tone our face to slim it down?
Some exercises can be done daily to tone the skin and make it firmer. These are small “stretches” that stimulate the muscles of the face, especially in the cheeks, crow’s feet, and around the mouth. These exercises should be performed daily and can be combined with the use of firming creams for the face and neck. There are several small exercises: the first is to smile exaggeratedly and then return to a normal face very quickly. You can also do small series trying to touch your nose and upper lip, puff up your cheeks very hard and then deflate them, etc.
Discover my secret with which I managed to lose weight in an effective way
Rebalance your diet to lose face fat.
Puffy cheeks can be a sign of a lack of water in your body which then causes fluid retention. Make sure you drink enough water daily (at least 1.5 liters for an adult). Similarly, oily, pimply skin on the cheeks can be caused by a diet rich in fat. The skin is, like the kidneys or the liver, and output organ: it is through this organ that the body eliminates toxins and cleanses itself. A diet containing too much fat tends to produce pimples and grease the skin, which in turn produces more sebum. Reduce hydrogenated fats, processed products, and sausages, and prefer sources of “good” fats such as fatty fish (salmon, herring), vegetable oils instead of butter, and oilseeds (walnuts, almonds, etc.).
Cosmetic surgery to lose facial fat
If you want to lose weight more radically, you should know that it is possible to resort to cosmetic surgery. You can resort to it after a diet, to remove the skin that would make folds after a significant loss of fat, or alone, to remove fat. This liposuction operation consists of eliminating part of the fat contained in the skin cells. It is usually performed on the jowls and neck of overweight people. However, care must be taken, since a plump face is usually a sign of joviality and gives a good appearance. On the contrary, sunken cheeks accentuate tiredness, give a closed appearance to the face, and tend to age the person.
7 easy tips to lose face fat and firm cheeks and jowls
Most cases of excess weight are caused by everyday actions. Therefore, by applying the tips in this article you can quickly firm up your face and reduce or even eliminate the double chin.
Problems with big cheeks and double chin?
Usually, when it comes to losing weight, people worry about having a slim figure, but they forget that facial fat causes round cheeks. If you don’t know how to slim your face, read and apply these tips.
The most important cases of overweight are caused by low energy balance, the energy consumed by food is not the same as that expended in physical activity.
Discover my secret with which I managed to lose weight in an effective way
1. fewer calories for a radiant face
Cases of fat accumulation on the cheeks are often due to excessive consumption of desserts, sugary drinks, and fried or very oily foods. Therefore, reduce their consumption and start eating vegetables, fruits, and proteins.
2. Drink water to get rid of cheek fat
Staying hydrated favors the release of toxins and fats, which allows you to maintain a slim figure, which helps reduce the size of the cheeks.
3. Diet rich in fiber
When dieting, it is essential to consume fiber, as it speeds up the metabolism and allows you to get rid of fat that the body does not need, as it will only make you gain weight.
4. Physical exercise to lose face
Practicing physical activities for at least 30 minutes a day will help you burn calories and, consequently, lose weight, which includes the reduction of face fat that will be favored by thinner cheeks.
5. How to slim your face with this facial yoga exercise.
Although they are not very common, these movements will reduce the fat on your face, the result will be a stylized and toned shape on your face.
Some facial exercises you can practice are to puff out your cheeks and keep them in that state for about 10 seconds, you can also smile exaggeratedly over and over again to tighten the skin.
6. Masks for a younger face
This procedure complements the facial exercises, you can use yogurt with oatmeal and honey, with the resulting mixture make circular massages on your skin to help you avoid sagging.
7. Slim your face by reducing alcohol consumption.
Drinking alcoholic beverages causes swelling of the face due to the caloric content and high fluid retention, the recommendation is not to abuse its consumption.
After reading these recommendations, the only thing you have to do is to apply the different methods and exercises of facial yoga to see how your face gets slimmer. To get results, you just have to be constant in your routine and you will see the results you want to get.
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